Friday, August 27, 2010
World longest beaded necklace...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Home Sweet Home
I made it home last night after a long days drive. So nice to sleep in my own bed.
This morning we had breakfast while the crows surrounded our house. This guy is watching me as I'm watching his buddies! At our house this is a sign of fall. We have farmers fields on 2 sides of us, so when the harvest is ready the crows come for the feast.
I know, I know, it's not fall yet but I'm afraid the signs of it coming are definitely here. As we drove North to come home we could see the slow yellowing of the leaves on the trees. And even a few orange and red as we got closer to home.
So get out there and enjoy what summer we have left. Fall is just around the corner.

Sunday, August 22, 2010
The show is over.
Yes the Beadfest is over. What a great show. I learned so much. I'm anxious to get home and try all my new techniques out. Putting my own spin on them.
Todays class was with Susan Lenart Kazmer. It was a little tough going in the morning. There was just so much information to absorb that I was overwhelmed. But after a long relaxing lunch I got back in there and got over my fear of her torches. My piece isn't quite finished yet and it's pretty rough. But it's a start in a new kind of jewelry making. I'll have to think a little longer on whether I want a larger torch than the micro torch that I have now, but it was a great experience.

Thanks for following along with me during the show. I hope you enjoyed the updates. I should be home again in a day or two.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Class projects
Here are my almost finished class projects from yesterdays class with Tracey Stanley.
In this class we learned to make a bezel and then filled is with resin on top of beads, shells, etc.
Here we used a heavy gage wire to form a shape to contain the resin with beads, shells, etc.

I'm on my way back to the convention show to get a few more things so I can make some more creations that these classes have inspired in me. I've already purchased some amazing tools that are going to change my life! I just needed a little nap to keep up to Renee. But I'm ready to go now. Let's see if I can find her!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Busy with classes.
This is just a quick blog since I finished my class a little early. My 2 classes so far with Tracey Stanley have been great. She's a great teacher and I've learned so much. These are the components for a bracelet from my first class. Obviously not finished but well on their way, although I think I might turn them into a necklace. Haven't decided yet. Todays class used some resin so it's setting and the pictures didn't turn out very well. I'll try again tomorrow.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Philadelphia Architecture
As promised, here are some of the amazing buildings we saw while down town Philadelphia. The variety and enormity of them was wonderful.

Well I'm off for some breakfast and then to my first class.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
On tour.

Well I've left the country or entered the country I guess, depending on where you're reading this from. I'm with my friend Renee in King of Prussia Pennsylvania USA. We're here attending the Beadfest. Today we went into Philadelphia to check out the market and do some shopping. We had lunch in the market and then walked around down town doing some site seeing and shopping.
They have lost of fun and amazing sculptures down town that we enjoyed tremendously. Here are some of the ones we came across.
I also really enjoyed the architecture of the many buildings there. I'll share some photo's of them tomorrow.
Time to get some rest. Full day class tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
One foggy morning,,,
I love foggy, dewy mornings and that's just what I saw when I woke up today. So as the Tin man walked out the door to work, I followed behind with my camera. The dew changes the look of everything. It's like Mother Natures frosting.

Oh what a great way to start the day. Hope you have a great one!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Gears, di's and jacks.

Sunday, August 8, 2010
New work
I had a great time at the North Gower Market yesterday. Met some wonderful people and purchased some great food. We had an amazing homemade onion pizza for supper last night from Nina who was right behind me selling vegetable and baked goods. Looking forward to next weeks market.

As promised here is a piece I created this week. The background paper is 7 Gypsy and the images are from Graphic 45 Communique tag sheet. And then I added a few found objects like the domino piece and some embossed metal. To finish it off a few Tim Holtz additions like the ticket and film strip with unknown Southin's added.
Tomorrow I'll be showing you some of my new jewelry creations, finally.
Have a great day.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Busy but still creating.

Yes I'm still here! Again the last few weeks have just flown by. I've been busy but productive.
I've been bringing some of my other creations to the Market along with my jewelry this summer and have gotten a lot of positive feed back and sold a few too, so I decided to make a few more.
I had started the background for this one a while back and had intended to put flowers and such on like I did the others of this colour but when I got going at it again this is what happened. I tend to not worry about sticking to a plan when working on a creation. I like to just go with the flow and if it's not the idea I intended I can always try the original idea again another time. It felt a little simple just putting the hinges and key hole on but nothing else came to me so I left it alone.
What do you think, what else can I put on the frame or should I leave well enough alone?
I've got a few more things I've finished up this week. I promise it won't take me too long to get them posted this time.
I'm off to another Market tomorrow morning. Sheila and I are going to try the North Gower Farmers Market and see what it's like. It's a really nice market in an old barn. Very charming! Come on out and visit us. We're there from 8:30am to 1pm.
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