Yes the Beadfest is over. What a great show. I learned so much. I'm anxious to get home and try all my new techniques out. Putting my own spin on them.

Todays class was with Susan Lenart Kazmer. It was a little tough going in the morning. There was just so much information to absorb that I was overwhelmed. But after a long relaxing lunch I got back in there and got over my fear of her torches. My piece isn't quite finished yet and it's pretty rough. But it's a start in a new kind of jewelry making. I'll have to think a little longer on whether I want a larger torch than the micro torch that I have now, but it was a great experience.
Thanks for following along with me during the show. I hope you enjoyed the updates. I should be home again in a day or two.
I really like this piece--the turquoise really makes it pop!
That's really nice, very cool.
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