Sunday, June 23, 2013

June ATC meeting

The theme for this months ATC meeting was magazine collage. I think a little different medium for most of us. Some months I can recognize certain peoples cards by their style but this month I had a hard time and definitely had to use my go to list to label them. I'm hoping I got them all right!







For the first time we also did what we called a Super Swap. Many of us have accumulated extra cards that we've made over the years so we decided to each put in as many cards as we wanted(up to 9) and we could then pick from all of them the amount that we had put in. It turned out great and will probably be something we will do again.
Here are all the cards ready to be swapped. We took turns taking a card each until we had picked the number of cards that we had put in. 

These are the cards that I picked from the pile. When I got home I had to re-organize my ATC binder and start a another one, since the first one was over flowing. 

I still have lots of extra traders too. If you'd like to do a swap leave a comment with your e-mail address and I'll e-mail you to swap snail mail address for the trade. 

Happy Creating!

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