I'm guessing that a few of you are wondering what
WOYWW is! It's okay I haven't lost it(at least no more than usual) and I didn't even make it up. It stand for What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday. Now that's a mouthful. Julia over at
Stamping Ground is the creator of this weekly sneak peek into other peoples creative spaces. I follow a few blogs that participate in this event each week and I love to check out how other people work(I feel like I'm peeking in when no one is around!)
So I've finally decided to give you a glimpse of my work desks. Yes that is plural. I am lucky enough to have a very large studio with many work desks. I know it sounds wonderful but really it just means I can leave one mess and start another without having to clean up the last one. I'm a messy creator and I've come to terms with that part of me. I let her have her messy time and then every once in a while the organizer in me comes by and does a mad clean up. It seems to be working so far as long as the two don't meet, then nothing gets done!

This is my crafty area, where I do paper crafts, metal embossing, stamping, painting etc. Right now I'm working on my pages for a Book swap my ATC group is doing. The theme is Black and White. Can't show you what I have done yet or I'll give away the surprise element but I've been using my India ink and pens which I hadn't had out in ages. Lot's of fun. I really must play with them more.

This is my hard core jewelry desk. It is here that my copper jewelry starts. The hammering, sawing, riveting, punching, antiquing etc happens here. The copper on the book that you can see is waiting to be antiqued, sanded and tumbled. After all the ruff messy stuff happens to it I head over to yet another work desk to add the finer details of beads and chains to finish it off. I won't show you that desk today. I have to leave something for another day right!?
I hope you enjoyed my little studio tour. I'm heading over to the
Stamping Ground to sneak a peek at the many other creative souls linked there.
Have a creative day!