After finishing my Vision Board yesterday I found I had things inside me that I still wanted to get out, so I made these journal pages. It's really just about the things I learned about myself while doing the vision board. Sometimes I make excuses for not having or being what I want. Things like this isn't the house I want, my studio isn't want I would really like etc. So this is a reminder to myself that those things really aren't important in the end. Being who I want to be and achieving what I want are not conditional to these material things. It is what I do with my life that will get me where I want to be not the pretty things around me. No excuses it's time to be grateful for what I have and just do what ever it is I want to do with my life.
You said it sista.
Wendy, I'm so happy you've had this "ah ha moment". You bet your business is important! Now that you've come to this new realization, I hope you continue to bloom and grow in new and amazing ways! Michelle
Hi again Wendy, I just had a chance to take a closer look at your journal pages... there are the cages I've seen before... it's like perhaps you want to free a spirit that is locked inside you... attempting to reach your personal goals will surely give you the freedom to take flight and purse them! Michelle
Wendy, this is fantastic, you must feel so good about your self discovery. I too have found the Vision Boad exercise to of great value for guiding me along my path.
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