I've been busy in the garden the last few days. The weather has been wonderful and the bugs have been few and far between which is a rare thing for us this time of year. The vegetable garden is almost completely planted except for a few more Tomato plants and maybe I'll add some Marigold here and there to keep the bugs away.
These Giant Allium are in my herb garden. Although they are only ornamental I look forward to seeing them each year. They're about 3 feet tall with 4 inch globes of miniature mauve flowers all over. They're on of my favourites. They just fascinate me.
The rose below is a shrub rose but I don't know the name of it. I got it at a local plant sale a few years ago and if it weren't for the profusion of beautiful single roses it gets all summer it would have seen the garden gate by now. It is the most prickly thing possible which makes it difficult to weed around and trim. Sometime it even attacks while passing by on the lawn mower. It also spreads runners underground and has to be constantly kept in check so as not to take over the flower bed it's in. But what's a gardener to do with such beautiful roses...I guess just keep the leather gloves on hand!
May and June are my favourite months of the year. Their is so much new growth right now, that I find it inspiring. I think after the long winter months I need to get out and dig in the dirt to feel grounded again and be one with nature.

It's spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you've got it, you want - oh, you don't quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so! ~Mark Twain