Well I didn't mean to, but I seem to be doing more wishing than creating on this blog lately. So I'm just here today to say I'm moving past the wishing and getting back on track with the creating. I've been slowly reorganizing my studio. I'd like to say it's going well but it's not although I think my state of mind has improved and I'm ready to get serious about it now.
On to some more interesting news. I'm going to be teaching out of my home studio more this year. So you'll be seeing some changes happening on the blog in the next month or so. I hope to get it organized with upcoming workshops and events. Right now my mind is a whirl with ideas and I just have to harness them to get them down on paper. If you have any suggestions for workshops or classes, send me an e-mail, I'd love to hear them. So far I plan to have some scheduled workshops and a list of available workshops. So if you already have a group that gets together or just a few friends, you can choose your own workshops to take together. The length of the workshops range from a few hours to a full day. I also can travel to your home or where your group meets to do workshops.
Well I better get back at it. Have a great day and don't forget to create something.