Wow, a wish to make each week. Check it out over at
Jamie Ridler's blog. I found this blog through
Sheila's blog. She's been wishing for a few weeks and I thought I'd try it out too.
Since she told me about it I've found myself thinking about wishes. Do I believe in wishing? Do I dare not believing in them? Well I do believe in the power of spiritual energy in and around us and how this can grow exponentially when people join together in efforts to make something happen. So yes I guess I do believe in wishes, I just hadn't really thought of it as wishes and I certainly haven't tried to wish together with others. It's a very exciting thing to try.
This week's wish prompt is "What do you wish to embrace?"
I wish to embrace possibilities. To open my mind and heart to those possibilities. To be aware of them as they approach me and take them into my arms and gently hold on to them without crushing them before they can grow within me. To see them for what they are... part of me, that has always been there trying to peek out to see if the time is right to surface and be used to its full potential.
Have you made a wish today?