I'm at the end of another monthly challenge. I realized I've learned a few things from these challenges that I thought I'd share with you.
Day 27- Perspective |
Firstly, there is a reason they are called challenges and each month there has been a point where it really was a challenge although not always in the same way. Usually there comes a point in the month where I struggle to keep going. Wondering where all the ideas have gone and why did I think I could do a whole month of these!
Day 28- Art is... |
And then at some point during the month I realized I'd gone a little off track from my original idea. With this months tags I did keep with the tag and stencil idea part but I also had some other things that I thought the tags would be that didn't entirely happen. I had hoped to use a larger variety of products on the tags so they could be reference samples in the future and this did happen on some of them, and it did give me an idea for a project more devoted for that purpose.
Day 29- Calm |
I also had planned for the tags to be inspirations creations that I could enjoy in the future which for the most part I think that happened.
Day 30 Abundance |
I learned that working on one tag(or project for that matter) at a time doesn't work for me. So it wasn't really one tag a day but I did get a tag done for each day of the month. And most days there was some time spent on tags. It is always good when I become more away of how I work best creatively.
Day 31- Past/Present/Future |
And last but not least, I learned that challenging myself is a good thing. I found each challenge made me focus more on the theme of the month and as a result I learned more about it.
Now with August's challenge done It's time to work on September. It's going to be a busy month for me so I think I'll make this next one a little easier. I'll share it will you very soon.
Happy Creating!