My summer continues to be a busy one. No lazy, hazy days of summer for me. But busy can be good. I'm feeling some what productive this week which is a much needed feeling for me right now.
I took a break from my busy schedule to do a little touring with my son on Sunday. We went to take a look at the Antrim Flea Market. As my Dad would say there was lots of junk there. I did manage to find a few treasures though. All in the name of jewelry creating. Just looking at my findings gets my creative juices going. I'm always looking for these kind of thing. If you know of anyone that has old watches or parts they want to get rid of, tell them they can throw them my way. They're harder to find than I thought.
Well I'm off to do more office work. And if all goes well maybe a little creating this afternoon!!
Have a great day!